Mike Mongo

Mike Mongo is Chief Culture Officer for Icarus Interstellar. He is a noted space educator, space blogger, the co-founder of Computers for Jamaica, and the author of Mike Mongo‘s Astronaut Instruction Manual for Pre-Teens. He has been an active educational proponent of STEAM—science technology engineering arts mathematics—as well as a dedicated proponent of astronautics-as-a-career for students in the US and abroad. As a public speaker and space educator, Mike works to encourage primary, middle-school and high school students to pursue careers in astronautics and space-related fields. Mr. Mongo’s professional background has been in brands and messaging. One of of the co-founders of OBEY, Mr Mongo worked alongside Shepard Fairey (along with Alfred Hawkins and Blais Blouin) for over a decade to engineer the OBEY organization messaging campaign. Mr Mongo is owner/partner of Miami-based web development firm Wodu Media. Mr Mongo was a Presenting Author at 2012's 100 Year Starship, 2013 Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop and 2013's Starship Congress 2013, where he served as Starship Congress' Chief Creative Designer. Most recently, Mr Mongo is co-developing Icarus Interstellar’s FarMaker program with Dr Andreas Tziolas and videogame professional Luke Blaize. Mike Mongo lives with his wife Leonie in Key West, FL

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