Recorded: 14 October 2016
Released: 15 October 2016
Duration:99 minutes, 40 seconds
download the .mp3 audio file
Paul Carr and Adam Smith talk about what has happened in the year since the release of the preprint by Boyajian, et. al. describing a very strange "alien megastructure" star. We talk about the work done so far, the controversies, and where we hope things will go in the near future.
The Wow! Signal PodcastMontet and Simon's Dimming |
Where's the Flux?
Planet Hunters
Jason Wright: What Could Be Going on with Boyajian's Star?
Ben Montet Makes a Star Weirder
The Most Mysterious Star in the Universe
Tabby's Star for the Perplexed, part 3
The Gaia Data Release 1 and Tabby's Star
Sonnenberg Plate photometry in two colors for KIC 8462852
Almost Certainly Wrong
Freeman Dyson: Let's Look for Life in the Outer Solar System
Host and Producer: Paul CarrPanelist: Adam Smith
Music: DJ Spooky
Great podcast, really sorry I missed it all.